Believing that God is One, and there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; that God calls us to be one in Jesus Christ by the power which the Holy Spirit gives; that we are called to hold together the rich variety of our heritage and of our ways of worship within the one Body; that we are called to venture together in work and witness for Christ, and to commit ourselves to each other and to serve our Church and our City, as we celebrate the presence of God working amongst us to make all things new.
We Covenant together for a further five years (2019-2023) to do together all that we can, and not to do apart what we should do together, and to continue to work and pray for the reconciliation and unity of the whole Church in our Land, and throughout the World.
We declare that this Covenant in no way weakens our ties and responsibilities to our individual denominations.
As a basis for this Covenant we pledge:
to pray for each other's congregations regularly by name at Sunday services
to hold quarterly meetings of clergy and lay people to foster communication and to monitor our Covenant
to study together topics of mutual interest officially drawn up by our respective congregations, and to notify each others' congregation of activities of interest and benefit
to encourage our youth and other organisations to co-operate with each other
to mark in some way the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
to work together, as need or opportunity arises, for justice and peace
to witness to our commitment to Christ and the coming of his kingdom
to hold common Lenten observances, and to find appropriate ways of celebrating other significant events together
to work with other church associations in planning joint activities, missions and services to the wider community
to support the work of our civic leaders with prayer, eg annual Civic Service
to continue to explore opportunities for common worship and discipleship
Napier Inner-City Covenanted Churches - mid-week Lent services: Wednesday, at 7:00pm;
2023 Lenten Services
March 8 Trinity Methodist, Clive Square East
March 15 St Thomas More, Wycliffe Street
March 22 St Paul’s Presbyterian, Tennyson Street
March 29 St Patrick's Catholic, Munro Street
Trinity Methodist Church
St Paul’s Presbyterian Church
St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Waiapu Anglican Cathedral of St John